Wednesday, March 21, 2007


So this aniboom competition just kicked-my-ass. Working on it pretty much every morning/night/weekend. (With a few exceptions.)

But yeah its done.

kind of.

There's only thirty second finished, and brother, there's only going to BE 30 seconds finished. I've got a boatload of excuses to lay on you, but right now I'm going to go with... lets see... AH!

The competition ends April 30th, and the sooner you post your (very) short the more votes your likely to garner. My spy network revealed that some of the other shorts have in excess of 500 "views" on me at this point, So I figured I'd get on that.

So it looks good I think, and one night after the post it's already had close to 50 views and is holding at a respectable four out of five bomb symbols. (?)

Oh "ani-BOOM" I get it.

Anyway, here's some screen caps and a link to the actual film.