Friday, July 14, 2006

Work on episode two is well under way. This weekend will be a busy one for all of us here at Upon Animation intl, ltd, worldwide.

Scene 1 is almost complete. Thanks to the brave directorial decision to remove all the talking. A glance to your right will give you a hint as to why.

In other news, the role of musical director will NOT be played by James Hanson of "Evil Josh and Billy" fame. But rather by Darren Bird, of "Captain Placeholder" fame. The change in staff comes a little late in the game for my liking. Unfortunately Mr. Hanson and the Studio had conflicting schedule's. Mr. Bird (Or Birdman as he shall henceforth be called.) is a multi-talented musician who will doubtless bring honor to the production and himself. (If he knows what's good for him.)

Andrea received all the printed material from the uh... Printers today. It looks great, DVD cover slips inserts and the whole she-bang. And a very nice 2x 2.5 foot poster to hang on the back curtain at Wizard world Chicago.

Anyway, enough loafing... Back at it.


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