Friday, January 05, 2007

Quick update

I really REALLY have to start posting more.

Website status: Pretty Frakin' awesome.

Andrea is officially blowing me out of the water when it comes to computer stuff. She's doing things with "DIV Containers"? Java script and what not. She's Ironing out the bugs as we speak and the site is looking good to launch on Monday.

I hate updating without a pic of some sort. So here's Job's drink of choice: "Baggermister" liquid panty remover. (Not that it's ever helped Job.)

I put the opening/end credits on the two finished episodes. Re-watching them again is pretty damn painful. I can see all the mistakes and errors most of which I'm sure will get overlooked by the audience in general. I have to remember that this is all a learning process. And force myself to not go back and fix all the little mistakes.

If I did that the show would never air, and I figure it'll be nice to look back on the first few episodes when it's all said and done and feel good about how far we've come.

Heck I feel that way about episode 3 and we're only 2 scene's in. The jump in maturity (Filmmaking wise, not content wise.) is obvious from ep01 to ep02. And strikingly apparent with episode 03. Which calms me some considering the friggin hoops I've had to jump through for number 3.

It's been 5 months since the Chicago con but things are finally rolling along on their own momentum again.

Hope to see everyone at the new webpage next week!


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